
Major area

Karl Alber’s new theological programme explores numerous relevant questions of the subject in a well-founded and interdisciplinary manner. The age-old religious-philosophical question of how God is to be conceived and what his relationship to the world might look like is repeatedly drawn into the present.

Alber Theology

Edited by Hans-Ulrich Verlag Karl Alber

Similarly to the renowned Alber Philosophy series, the Alber Theology series off ers a forum for current theological issues. It is interdenominational and open to all theological disciplines and fi elds of research. Qualifying theses, monographs and high-quality edited volumes can be submitted for consideration for inclusion in the series.

To the series

Exploratio. Contemporary Systematic Theologies

Published by Johannes Grössl, Rebekka A. Klein, Matthias Ruf und Veronika Weidner

Systematic theological work is more than ever faced with the challenge of transcending entrenched school and denominational differences – be it in ecumenical, interdisciplinary or scientific-theoretical academic contexts. The series off ers a forum for such explorations, dialogue and synthesis possibilities and thus a sharpened second look at classical problems.

Religion – Geschlecht – Körper | Religion – Gender – Bodies

Published by Claudia Jahnel, Ute Leimgruber und Nimet Şeker

The bilingual publication series religion – gender – bodies is dedicated to the promotion of gender studies and off ers a space for works from Catholic, Protestant, Islamic and Jewish theology. Studies from other religious traditions are also welcome. The series stands for
methodological and theoretical plurality within gender studies and brings together qualifying papers, monographs and edited volumes from the theologies, religious studies and social and cultural sciences. It thus brings together the diverse approaches of current theological and
religion-related gender research.

To the series