Our programme
The Karl Alber publishing house publishes several academic journals. The traditional journal Philosophisches Jahrbuch is published twice a year and offers a wide-ranging, sophisticated philosophical programme. In addition, Concilium, a journal for Catholic and ecumenical theological reflection, has been part of the programme since 2024.

Philosophisches Jahrbuch
The journal Philosophisches Jahrbuch is published twice a year and offers a wide-ranging, sophisticated philosophical programme. The articles, selected in a double anonymous review process, offer philosophical treatises from theoretical and practical fields as well as historical analyses and discoveries. Initiated essays by important philosophers are discussed in depth by invited ‘sparring partners’ as part of regular yearbook controversies. Critical reports and discussions provide an overview of the trends in philosophical development. Important new philosophical publications are critically reviewed in detailed book reviews.
Concilium is a journal for Catholic and ecumenical theological reflection. It was founded in the wake of the Second Vatican Council with the aim of understanding and applying its vision of openness to new cultural contexts and changing social and religious conditions in a new way. The founding fathers were the renowned theologians Anton van den Boogaard, Paul Brand, Yves Congar, Hans Küng, Johann Baptist Metz, Karl Rahner and Edward Schillebeeckx.