At the limits of the human


At the limits of the human

Care, assistance systems and the question of the human being

In many respects, current developments in the care of people who are dependent on support are pushing the boundaries of humanity: people in need of care often experience thoughtless breaches of boundaries in their dependence on other people. Carers often reach the limits of their own resilience in their work. Finally, the use of assistance systems in care is shifting the boundaries between care services of human and non-human authorship. In all these cases, it is also important to reflect on the concept of boundaries themselves from different perspectives and to gain a possibly different view of people from there.

Kick-off conference for the series AnthropoLog. Reflections on Being Human

The explorative conference will bring together practical theoretical approaches from the specialist perspectives of nursing science, medicine, philosophy and theology. The hope is to be able to understand the boundaries named as enabling the discourse of the human beings. If this succeeds, this endeavour to reach an understanding will also transcend the respective disciplinary boundaries.

  • When: 5th and 6th of November 2024
  • Where: Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg, Am Plärrer 15 (2nd floor)

The event marks the programmatic start of the AnthropoLog book series from Karl-Alber-Verlag, which reflects on what is considered human in the face of new challenges. The project is based on the conviction that the centuries-old philosophical and theological question of the human being gains its contours where it is refracted in the specific perspectives of other scientific disciplines – be it in medicine, psychology, the cognitive sciences, gender and postcolonial studies, science and technology studies or aesthetics. The guiding principle is the idea that the new developments in these disciplines are so enriching that they repeatedly draw attention to the question of how people constantly try to understand themselves anew.

The book series AnthropoLog. Reflections on the Human is edited by Janina Loh, Arne Manzeschke and Thomas Wabel.