Contemporary Philosophy

Our programme offers a forum for all systematically and historically relevant works that make a fundamental contribution to current philosophical debate.

Alber Philosophie

Edited by Verlag Karl Alber 

A forum for contemporary philosophical thought in all its intricacy: currents of contemporary thought and questions that span across boundaries and borders.

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Alber Thesen Philosophie

Edited by Verlag Karl Alber

This series focuses on discussions and debates on current international philosophical discourse.

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Eichstätter philosophische Beiträge

Edited by Walter Schweidler, Markus Riedenauer

The Eichstätter Philosophische Studien comprises monographs from pioneering German philosophers and thinkers whose revolutionary ideas have changed the course of philosophy. Dissertations and contributions appear in the Eichstätter Philosophische Beiträge.

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Fermenta philosophica

Edited by Verlag Karl Alber

Philosophical studies and drafts that focus on the character of thought.

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Philosophie erzählt

Edited by Verlag Karl Alber

What happens when the protagonists of philosophy venture beyond the confines of their discipline and explore other, often new ways of conveying and presenting philosophical ideas? This series acts as an innovation lab for thought poetry and narrative paradigms and  provides thinkers and storytellers with the space to explore diverse philosophical strains of thought. In so doing, it brings together texts that are stylistically unique, uncommonly entertaining and completely relevant to current discussions.

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ProPhil – Projekte zur Philosophie

Edited by Otto Neumaier

The ProPhil – Projekte zur Philosophie series provides a forum for work on current philosophical topics that are of fundamental importance for academic research and teaching. The series is neither limited to a specific area of philosophy nor to a specific philosophical point of view; this openness is limited only by the criteria of scientific rigour and methodological rigour.

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Edited by Christoph Halbig, Jörn Müller

Probably the oldest and most well-known edited collection published by Verlag Karl Alber, Symposion offers systematic and historically-based research in the classical tradition of European philosophy.

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