Cultural Philosophy
Major area
The series of publications collected here deal with the concept of culture, focusing in particular on developments in intellectual history and non-European manifestations of (inter-) cultural phenomena.
CONTRASTE. Studies in Japanese-German Cultural Comparative Studies
Edited by Teruaki Takahashi, Tilman Borsche
Cultural phenomena and intellectual-historical developments in Japanese and German and possibly other language areas are presented and analysed in this series.
Kulturphilosophische Studien
Edited by Hans-Ulrich Lessing, Kevin Liggieri
The series primarily presents works within the horizon of the German tradition of cultural philosophy (Herder, Humboldt, Dilthey, Simmel, Cassirer) and in the context of current developments in the humanities, social and natural sciences.
psycho-logik – Jahrbuch für Psychotherapie, Philosophie und Kultur
Edited by Stephan Grätzel, Annette Hilt, Martin Reker
Founded by Karl Heinz Witte, Rolf Kühn
The Yearbook sees itself as an open forum for discussion of the connections between psychotherapy, psychology and phenomenology with their cultural context, in both scientific and practical terms.
Welten der Philosophie
Edited by Verlag Karl Alber
Translations, monographs and anthologies on comparative and non-European philosophy are published, as well as studies in which the preconditions of intercultural or transcultural philosophising are elaborated.
West-östliche Denkwege
Edited by Walter Schweidler
The series West-östliche Denkwege is not only a forum for the philosophical exchange of ideas, but also constitutes a shared effort towards the truth reached in dialogue not only with East-Asian and Western cultures, but also within the space of Europe itself, to the past and present of which a West–East structure of difference belongs. The primary aim of the series is not simply to compare thinking cultures, but to connect them together in order to make them fruitful for the purposes of a common effort. In dealing with the fundamental topics of theoretical and practical philosophy, political thinking and bioethics, the series aims to encourage a lively discourse between East and West by disclosing a wealth of different traditions.