Philosophy of History

Major area


In addition to the further development of classical texts of the older Western intellectual history, this programme area concentrates above all on the current academic examination of important authors and figures of thought of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Alber Philosophical Studies

Edited by Verlag Karl Alber

This academic publication series publishes outstanding monographs and anthologies on ancient philosophy and its reception. Founded by Academia Verlag under the name ‘Academia Philosophical Studies’ and now continued by Verlag Karl Alber, the series illustrates not only the thematic diversity within ancient philosophy, but also the interdisciplinarity and internationality of the subject area.

To the series

Beiträge zur Bolzano-Forschung

Edited by Winfried Löffler, Christian Tapp

The Beiträge zur Bolzano-Forschung series aims to familiarise the academic public with the work of the philosopher Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848). To this end, not only monographs and anthologies on important aspects of his philosophy are published, but also writings by his students as well as documents on his work and its reception.

To the series

Collegium Politicum

Edited by Manuel Knoll, Francisco L. Lisi, Jakub Jinek, Giovanni Giorgini

Editorial Board: Geoff Bowe, Luc Brisson, Mirko Canevaro, Michele Curnis, Arianna Fermani, Silvia Gastaldi, Edward Harris, Antony Hatzistavrou, Christoph Horn, Jakub Jinek, Maria Liatsi, Alberto Maffi, Ermanno Malaspina, Maurizio Migliori, Eckart Schütrumpf, Bernat Torres, Barbara Zehnpfenning

The Collegium Politicum is an international research network focusing on Ancient Political Theory and its reception in the history of political thought. Founded by Francisco L. Lisi in 2000, the network organizes annual meetings of its members who mostly teach at European Universities from several different countries. There are a wide range of activities and cooperation among the members such as joint workshops, international conferences, joint publications, and exchanges of faculty and graduate or doctoral students as well as post-doctoral researchers. Our book series is not only open for publications of our members and annual meetings, but to all innovative and high-quality contributions on Classical Political Thought and its reception. We welcome contributions from both accomplished scholars and young researchers at the beginning of their career. The latter includes outstanding Ph.D.-theses and “Habilitationsschriften”. Proposals submitted to the editors are subjected to a double-blind peer review and need to be accepted by the editorial board.

To the series

Diotima. Studies in Greek Philology

Herausgegeben von Mauro Tulli

Editorial Board: Christian Brockmann, Tiziano Dorandi, Michael Erler, Jürgen Hammerstaedt, Philippe Hoffmann, Olimpia Imperio, Walter Lapini, Irmgard Männlein-Robert, Roberto Nicolai, Stefan Schorn, Giuseppe Zanetto

The series includes commentaries, critical editions, and monographs on core problems of Greek texts, analyzed with the methods of philology to contribute to the scientific understanding of antiquity: Diotima embodies the relationship between knowledge and poetic depth in the sign of beauty.

To the series

Edition Johannes Heinrichs

Edited by Johannes Heinrichs

To the series


Edited by Massimo Pulpito, Stefania Giombini

Founded by Livio Rossetti

The Eleatics, a school of pre-Socratics, are the focus of this Italian series. Eleatica is the name of a society that explores and debates the works of the pre-Socratics in scientific congresses. The results of their ‚Eleatic lessons‘ are published with the support of the Fondazione Alario per Elea Velia. Since 2019, Academia has also been publishing the complementary series Supplementa Eleatica which, is releasing articles and monographs on the pre-Socratics originating beyond the ‚Eleatic lessons‘.

To the series

International Aristotle Studies

Edited by Carlo Natali, Lloyd P. Gerson, Christof Rapp, Gerhard Seel

This series, manned by an international board of experts, is dedicated to Aristotles works, his philosophical thinking and reception. Monographs, like outstanding scientific theses, are as much a part of it as anthologies.

To the series

International Plato Studies

Edited by Carolina Araujo, Francesco Fronterotta, Filip Karfik, Laetitia Monteils-Laeng, Thomas M. Tuozzo

The International Plato Studies series, which has been in existence for more than twenty years, is one of the most important and renowned series of publications in international Plato research. It contains relevant studies on numerous aspects of Platonic philosophy, on the Platonic dialogues and on Plato’s reception. The series illuminates Plato’s work in a variety of ways and from different perspectives, resulting in new insights not only into Plato’s thought, but the world of antiquity as a whole.

To the series

International Pre-Platonic Studies

Edited by Jenny Bryan, Rafael Ferber, Barbara Sattler

This series contains outstanding editions of pre-Platonic philosophers as well as significant new research concerning their thought. It includes, for example, Hermann Diels´ edition of Parmenides with a new preface by Walter Burkert, the improved edition of Heraclitus by Miroslav Marcovitsch and Claudia Zatta’s overview of the pre-Platonic treatment of animals and plants. It was originally founded by Jonathan Barnes, Rafael Ferber and Livio Rossetti, and is currently edited by Bruno Centrone, Rafael Ferber, and Barbara Sattler.

To the series

International Socrates Studies

Edited by Fulvia de Luise, Louis-André Dorion, Donald Morrison, Livio Rossetti, Alessandro Stavru

The International Socrates Studies series publishes book-length monographs and collective volumes dealing with the figure and thought of Socrates, his historical context, and the sources of evidence concerning him. Specifically, the series welcomes manuscripts related to reactions to Socrates, positive and negative, the first generation of the Socratic movement, and the history of the reception of Socrates from Antiquity to the present Age

To the series

Interpretationen und Quellen

Edited by Holger Zaborowski

In the series, important texts of Western intellectual history are published together with six to eight interpretive essays each, which open up important aspects of the respective text in the context of contemporary scholarly debate.

To the series

Lecturae Platonis

Edited by Maurizio Migliori †

The Lecturae Platonis series aims to offer studies that commit to absolute respect for Plato’s texts, hence the choice of the term ‘Lecturae’. The aim is to help those who want to understand the philosophical system that Plato outlines in his works.

This is why the series does not only publish specific works on individual dialogues, but also collective contributions that revolve around a single theme. The editor is also interested in a methodical form of reflection that overcomes the limits of a fragmented approach to the text, thus reviving the great philosophical and philological tradition and respecting the typically Platonic systemic principle of the prevalence of the whole over the parts. Finally, the editor accepts contributions that clarify the relationship between Platonic philosophy and its successors.

These contributions are mostly written in English, in order to allow for the broadest possible readership.

To the series


Edited by Lore Hühn, Philipp Höfele, Philipp Schwab, Paul Ziche, on behalf of the Internationalen Schelling-Gesellschaft

The international annual Schelling-Studien provides a forum for scholarly work on Schelling’s philosophy and on overarching questions of idealism and its history of impact. It brings together current international contributions to research in German, English, French and Italian.

To the series

Supplementa Eleatica

Edited by Stefania Giombini, Massimo Pulpito

Founded by Livio Rossetti

Starting since 2019, the Eleatica series gives rise to a second side project, Eleatica Supplementa. The aim of this sub-series is to publish outstanding monographs or essay collections on Eleaticism, so as to offer a further contribute to the scientific literature on the issue. While Eleatica proposes debates among leading specialists in the field, focused on the lectiones magistrales of a well-known scholar, the Supplementa present in-depth studies on specific topics written by scholars that put forward innovative or particularly relevant interpretations. The series is addressed primarily to the community of specialists in Ancient Philosophy, but also to students and more generally the cultured public interested in the origins of Western thought.

To the series


Edited by Giovanna R. Giardina, Francesco Romano

To the series

Whitehead Studien

Edited by Godehard Brüntrup, Christoph Kann, Franz Riffert

The series “Whitehead Studies” provides a forum for research on the philosophy of A. N. Whitehead and recent process philosophy.

In addition to a focus on publications from the German-speaking world, selected English-language texts can also be part of the series. It is interdisciplinary in nature and deliberately not assigned to any specific interpretive framework.

To the series


Edited by Jens Kertscher, Jan Müller

The series makes the philosophical, literary and artistic exploration of the life and work of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) accessible to a wide range of interested parties. Carefully edited monographs and thematically organised anthologies by well-known Wittgenstein experts and younger researchers open up Wittgenstein’s thought in its many ramifications. At the same time, the Wittgensteiniana makes the historical and systematic prerequisites of his work recognisable and opens up the potential that the study of Wittgenstein offers for the sciences and for future philosophy. In short, the Wittgensteiniana is indispensable for anyone who wants to engage intensively with the most important philosopher of the 20th century.

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