Philosophy of Religion

Major area

Our series of publications and annuals in this segment are dedicated to the scholarly exploration of concepts in the philosophy of religion and religious manifestations from secular, Christian, Jewish and Islamic perspectives.

falsafa. Horizonte islamischer Religionsphilosophie

Edited by Ahmad Milad Karimi

The monographs and anthologies are dedicated to the basic questions and basic lines of Islamic philosophy of religion from a historical and systematic perspective.

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falsafa. Jahrbuch für islamische Religionsphilosophie

Edited by Ahmad Milad Karimi

falsafa is dedicated in German and English to the field of tension between religion and philosophy from the spirit of Islam and offers a platform to formulate contemporary perspectives on a philosophy of religion in the Islamic context in dialogue with the classical Fala-sifa. Appreciating the historical consideration of Falsafa – Arabic for “philosophy” – the question of how a genuine Islamic philosophy of religion is to be understood methodically and in terms of content in today’s scientific discourse will be systematically pursued here. What is Islamic philosophy? What is Islamic about this philosophy? What is religion in Islam? What is the role of the philosopher in Islamic understanding? And: What is the inner necessity of Islamic philosophy of religion?

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Jahrbuch für Religionsphilosophie

Edited by Thomas Hanke, Annette Langner-Pitschmann, Gesche Linde, Tobias Müller

The Jahrbuch für Religionsphilosophie sees itself as a scientific forum for current research contributions in the field of systematic philosophy of religion and systematic philosophical theology. However, it also includes contributions on topics from the history of modern philosophy of religion up to the present as well as from the history of philosophical theology. The yearbook includes academic papers, a review section with book reviews and critical literature reports as well as conference reports.

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Edited on behalf of the International Rosenzweig Society, by Martin Brasser, Norbert Samuelson, Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik

The series of publications serves to promote scholarly engagement with the life, work and impact of the Jewish religious and cultural philosopher Franz Rosenzweig.

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The Yearbook provides a forum for scholarly works on the Jewish religious and cultural philosopher Franz Rosenzweig. Internationally positioned, they accompany current research and open up new sources and historical documents.

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Scientia & Religio

Edited by Markus Enders, Bernhard Uhde

Editorial Board: Peter Antes, Reinhold Bernhardt, Hermann Deuser, Burkhard Gladigow, Klaus Otte, Hubert Seiwert, Reiner Wimmer

The series has both a scientific and an interdisciplinary character. It is dedicated to the scientific research of concepts of the philosophy of religion and religious manifestations.

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Studies on Triadic Ontology and Trinitarian Philosophy

Edited by Markus Enders, Emmanuel Falque, John Milbank, Piero Coda, Paweł Rojek, Mátyás Szalay, Ľubomír Žák

This series welcomes studies from the philosophical disciplines of ontology or metaphysics, phenomenology, philosophical anthropology, philosophical aesthetics, and philosophical theology as well as systematic theology that deal explicitly with triadic or trinitarian speculations. These include ‘Triadic Ontology’ or ‘Triadic Metaphysics’, ‘Triadic Phenomenology’, ‘Analogia Trinitatis’, ‘Trinitarian Logic’, (Trinitarian) ‘Sophiology’, ‘Theology of the (Divine) Trinity’, ‘Trinitarian Theology’ and ‘Trinitarian Aesthetics’. Furthermore, contributions from ‘Relational Ontology’ as well as from the metaphysics and phenomenology of gifts, love, music and childhood etc. can be included, provided that the subject areas of the latter disciplines are determined by triadic basic structures.

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Transzendente Erfahrungen – Phänomene und Deutungen

Edited by Heiner Schwenke

Transcendent experiences have often been neglected by research. Their phenomenology, their influence on the history of ideas and the ways of dealing with them are brought up in an interdisciplinary way.

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